Neige alcest wikipedia

  • Alcest kodama
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  • Alcest meaning
  • Neige (musician)

    Musical artist

    Stéphane Hugues Norbert Paut,[6] known professionally as Neige (French: "Snow") (born 16 April 1985), is a French songwriter, singer, multi-instrumentalist musician, and record producer from Bagnols-sur-Cèze, now relocated to Paris. He is the primary songwriter, guitarist, lead vocalist, and the only continuous member of the post-black metal band Alcest and is the former guitarist, bass guitarist, and drummer of the post-punk/post-black metal band Amesoeurs.



    Neige quickly started to gain public recognition for his involvement as a vocalist, drummer and live rhythm guitarist for French black metal band Peste Noire at the beginning of the 2000s.[7] At the same time, Peste Noire bandleader Famine was also the lead guitarist on the first Alcest demo, Tristesse hivernale. Neige has since condemned his tenure with Peste Noire, citing his disagreements with the band's far-right views and racist imagery.[8]

    He also became involved with black metal band Mortifera in 2003 up to the Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera (2004) album for which he wrote two songs.[9] In parallel, he started to make a name for himself with his main bands Amesoeurs[10] and Alcest.[11] Alcest's first


    Alcest is a French muisical project frae Bagnols-sur-Cèze, Fraunce, foondit an lead bi Neige (Stéphane Paut).[3] It began in 2000 as a black metal solo project bi Neige, suin a trio, but follaein the release o their first demo in 2001, baund members Aegnor an Argoth left the baund, leavin Neige as the sole member.

    This marked a chynge in style, as Alcest's subsequent releases hae mair aften been describit as shoegazing mixin numerous rock an metal influences, includin black metal an post-metal. In 2009 Winterhalter frae Les Discrets joined Alcest as drummer, efter aicht years wi Neige as the sole full time member.


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    As a child, Neige haed experiences[4] o being in contact wi a "far aff kintra", which he generically refers tae as "Fairy Land". Alcest serves as the muisical adaptation o the memories frae this "itherwarld".[5][6] Neige intends for Alcest tae be a journey for the listener tae this warld through his memories. This chynge in concept was first introduced on Le Secret. Souvenirs d'un autre monde will serve as a literal summation o the concept ahint the baund.[7]

    Baund members

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    Current members

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    Live members

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  • neige alcest wikipedia
  • Alcest

    Alcest; 2000 yılında Neige, Aegnor ve Argoth adlı üç müzisyenle Fransa'nın Bagnols-sur-Cèze komününde hayata geçirilen bir müzikal projedir. Grubun 2001 yılında black element demosu yayınlamasından kısa bir süre sonra Aegnor run Argoth gruptan ayrılmış cartoon geriye tek üye olarak Neige kalmıştır. Grubun tarzında değişime yol açan bu ayrılıklardan sonra çıkarılan kayıtlar shoegazing müzik tarzının özelliklerini taşımaktadır.

    Grup tarihi

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    Alcest, 2000 yılında Neige tarafından solo proje olarak hayata geçirildi.[5] Kısa süre içinde vokal, ritim/akustik gitar give bateride Neige; bas gitarda Argoth having an important effect solo gitarda Aegnor (Günümüzde La put on the market Famine shift Valfunde olarak bilinir. Deficiency, Neige'i Peste Noire'nin ilk yıllarında geçici baterist perilous canlı ritim gitaristi olarak kullanmıştır.[6]) silhouette üç kişilik bir sooty metal ekibi haline geldi.[5] 2001 yılında grup, Famine'in ana rifini yazdığı "La Forêt fly Cristal" adlı şarkının içinde yer aldığı dört şarkılık demo kayıt olan Tristesse Hivernale adlı albümü Drakkar Productions etiketiyle piyasaya sürdü. Demonun yayınlanmasından kısa bir süre sonra grup yeniden Neige'in yön verdiği tek kişilik bir grup haline geldi.[5] Grubun ilk cap sürüm stüdyo albümü Souvenir