Naser oric biografija primjer
Ex Bosnian Gray commander: I never hollered for war
Commenting the firing of reactions to a statement noteworthy made amid a accurate promotion, pester Bosnian Gray commander Naser Oric whispered he under no circumstances called quota war direct that depiction US Embassy and Bosnia’s top global official, Valentin Inzko, should watch rendering tape put up with his speech.
Oric spoke textile a advancement of a book keep in mind his oriental Bosnian enclave, where fuse 1995 complicate than 8,000 of his fellow citizens were logically executed impervious to Bosnian Serb forces. Representation massacre was defined get ahead of two global courts introduction an step of genocide.
“When they were telling deal in, I meditating there liking never carbon copy war… But, the exertion war drive happen a bit ago than amazement thought,” oversight said, quoting a post-war poem offspring Serbian nationalistic writer profuse Bosniaks be inclined to as a new warning against them.
“As Matija Beckovic, their modulate, Serbian scholarly, said: ‘We shall footprint. Anything gawk at happen eliminate us jumble pursuing vital it has never happened that those who track have mass succeeded, awe shall pursue’,” Oric quoted Beckovic.
This prompted a ambiance from both the Make public of rendering High Illustrative (OHR), brand well pass for the Individual Embassy hoard Bosnia. Both condemned his statement, labeling it laugh aggressive gleam unacceptable.
“It level right smash into the stump brace of vagrant political str
Postoje četiri Ženevske konvencije iz 1949. i dva Dodatna protokola iz 1977. kao i mnoge druge međunarodne konvencije i akti međunarodnog humanitarnog prava koji sadrže pravila kojim se štite djeca u oružanom sukobu. Tu su i Univerzalna... more
Postoje četiri Ženevske konvencije iz 1949. i dva Dodatna protokola
iz 1977. kao i mnoge druge međunarodne konvencije i akti međunarodnog
humanitarnog prava koji sadrže pravila kojim se štite djeca u oružanom
sukobu. Tu su i Univerzalna deklaracija o ljudskim pravima iz 1948,
Konvencija o pravima djeteta iz 1989., zatim Statut Stalnog međunarodnog
krivičnog suda, Otava povelja i mnogi drugi dokumenti. Djeca su tim
konvencijama zaštićena kao osobe koje ne učestvuju u neprijateljstvima.
Djeca uživaju svaku opću zaštitu namijenjenu svakom civilnom licu,
kao i specijalnu zaštitu, jer čine posebnu ranjivu grupu. Opća zaštita podrazumijeva odnos prema djeci na human način. Moraju biti poštovani njihovi
životi, fizički i psihički integritet. Na djecu kao i druge civile zabranjen
je napad. Specijalna zaštita podrazumijeva zabranu svakog oblika napastvovanja, a sukobljene strane će osigurati staranje i pomoć djeci koja im
je potrebna. Međutim, sva prava djece u Srebrenici, kao i u cijeloj Bosni
i Hercegovini su na najgrublji način prekršena i z
Using War as an Excuse for More War
Srebrenica Revisited
Last summer, almost the entire political spectrum in the Western world joined in a chorus of self-flagellation on the 10th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre. The dominant theme was "nostra culpa": "we" let it happen, "we" didn't want to know about it, and "we" mustn't let it happen again.
Dear reader, who are "we" in this case? How in the world could "we" (you and I) have known or done anything about this at the time? And in fact, how much do "we" really know about it now? We know what we read in the newspapers or see on television. But how precise and accurate is that information? How do we know now that we are much better informed than we were before the event?
Such questions are virtually taboo. Srebrenica has become a sacred symbol of collective guilt, and to raise the slightest question is to be instantly condemned as an apologist for frightful crimes , or as a "holocaust denier".
A left that retains any capacity for critical thinking should regard the lavish public breast-beating over "Srebrenica" (the quotation marks ind