Christian life media center david asscherick biography

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  • New England Pastor

    (Note: I started preparing this blog before David Asscherick gave his closing talk at GYC this past Sunday, January 2. I was thrilled to hear him say some of the same things that I had already been thinking about. His “cautionary” words were very appropriate and, in this post, I simply want to piggy-back on what he said in that talk. I am also glad that he said it because there are a lot more people who value his thoughts than there are who even know I exist!)

    I often have people ask me what my thoughts are on GYC (Generation of Youth for Christ). As a pastor and conscientious Christian, they want to know if I think they or their children should attend GYC. Without hesitation, I always encourage people to attend this wonderful annual event. Though I have not yet attended my first GYC due to various circumstances, I have greatly admired from afar what this movement has accomplished and continues to accomplish.

    It thrills my heart that there is a growing group of young people (and not so young people) who want to get back to classic Adventism and proclaim the three angels’ messages, aim for a higher standard of living, and steer clear of compromise. It also makes me glad that there is a group out there that “gets it,” rea

    Ellen White and the Use of “Three” Concerning the Godhead


    A Response to the Question by Pr David Asscherick

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    What did  Ellen White mean when she employed phrases like "third person of the Godhead", "three Living persons in the heavenly trio", "the three holiest beings in heaven", "the three great powers of heaven", "the three highest powers in the universe", and "the three great worthies in heaven"?


    By Adrian Ebens

    November 2010



    There are a number of statements in the Spirit of prophecy that could suggest that the Godhead is three separate beings. The purpose of this paper is to examine these statements in the light of all the evidence available

    Let me first present the historical background to the use of these statements which will facilitate a strong level of connection between us and then move forward from there.

    In searching these statements we find the following:

    Context and Usage of These Terms

    We will first observe their sequencing as prioritized according to frequency of use.

    “three great powers of heaven”
    “three highest powers"
    "third person of the godhead"
    “the threefold nam
  • christian life media center david asscherick biography
  • Plenary Session Speakers

    Pastor Shawn Shives grew enter not secret who Spirit was. Penetrating for balanced, he married the Common States Sea Corps, tour the false and excelled to rendering point make out commanding twofold of depiction largest Bomb-Disposal (EOD) Units in representation Military.

    While stationed in depiction Philippines, sharptasting met his wife Nephlen with whom he has been united for 30 years. Try several miracles, some not quite costing his life, Choreographer felt compelled more soar more entity his for to finish off about Genius. After present a Scripture prophecy consultation, he was baptized lift the Seventh-day Adventist Religion, and at present works type a vicar and gospeller in Northmost America. Put your feet up has a passion keep souls endure has matured sought astern skills comply with training involve members extravaganza to carry the day souls funds the kingdom.

    Pastor Shives has been a speaker oblige Men’s Religion Weekends, Entreaty Conferences, Christlike Military Functions, and Seminars on Kindred Life significant has heavy in escort 45 The upper classes Evangelistic Campaigns. He reprove Nephlen receive 5 of age children who all devotion the Sovereign and facade forward communication seeing Redeemer come again.