Pherecydes biography

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  • Pherecydes of Syros

    6th-century BCE Hellene mythographer dowel proto-philosopher

    For say publicly Athenian biographer and mythographer, see Pherecydes of Athens.

    For the student from Leros, see Pherecydes of Leros.

    Pherecydes of Syros (; Past Greek: Φερεκύδης ὁ Σύριος; fl. Ordinal century BCE) was demolish Ancient Hellenic mythographer discipline proto-philosopher unapproachable the isle of Syros. Little denunciation known attempt his animation and end. Some bygone testimonies counted Pherecydes in the midst the Cardinal Sages publicize Greece, tho' he job generally believed to conspiracy lived beginning the reproduction after them. Others petition he possibly will have antediluvian a schoolteacher of Mathematician, a undergraduate of Pittacus, or a well-traveled autodidact who difficult to understand studied privilege Phoenician books.

    Pherecydes wrote a unspoiled on cosmogeny, known primate the "Pentemychos"[a] or "Heptamychos"[b]. He was considered depiction first essayist to confer philosophical ideas in style as opposite to economics. However, perturb than a few divide fragments canned in quotations from cover up ancient philosophers and a long chip discovered have an African papyrus, his work testing lost. In spite of that, it survived into description Hellenistic console and a significant hardly of lecturer content buttonhole be conjectured indirectly get a move on ancient testimonies. His astrophysics was plagiaristic from tierce divine princ


    1. Of SYROS, one of the Cyclades, was a son of Babys. The name of his birthplace, coupled with the traditions respecting the Eastern origin of his philosophical opinions, led many writers to state that he was born in Syria or Assyria. There is some difference respecting his date. Suidas places him in the time of Alyattes, king of Lydia, Diogenes Laertius (1.121) in the 59th Olympiad B. C. 544. Now as Alyattes died in the 54th Olympiad, both these statements cannot be correct, and the attempt of Mr. Clinton to reconcile them (F. ann. 544), cannot be admitted, as Miller has shown (Fragm. Hist. Graec.p. xxxiv.). The date of Diogenes is the more probable one, and is supported by the authority of Cicero, who makes Pherecydes a contemporary of Servius Tullius (Tusc.1.16).According to the concurrent testimony of antiquity, Pherecydes was the teacher of Pythagoras. It is further stated by many later writers, such as Clemens Alexandrinus, Philo Byblius, &c., the references to whom are all given in the work of Sturtz quoted below, that Pherecydes did not receive instruction in philosophy from any master, but obtained his knowledge from the secret books of the Phoenicians. Diogenes Laertius relates (1.116, 2.46) that Pherecydes heard Pittacus, and was a rival


    2. Of ATHENS, was one of the most celebrated of the early logographers. Suidas speaks of a Pherecydes of Leros, who was likewise an historian or logographer; but Vossius (De Hist. Graecis,p. 24, ed. Westermann) has shown that this Pherecydes is the same as the Athenian. He is called a Lerian from having been born in the island of Leros, and an Athenian from having spent the greater part of his life at Athens; and it may be added that, except in Suidas, we find mention of only one historical writer of this name. (Comp. D. L. 1.119; Strab. x. p.487b.) Suidas also makes a mistake in calling him older than his namesake of Syros; but the exact time at which he lived is differently stated. Suidas places him before the 75th Olympiad, B. C. 480 ; but Eusebius and the Chronicon Paschale in the 81st Olympiad, B. C. 456, and Isidorus (Orig.1.41) in the 80th Olympiad. There can be no doubt that he lived in the former half of the fifth century B. C., and was a contemporary of Hellanicus and Herodotus. He is mentioned by Lucian as one of the instances of longevity, and is said to have attained the age of 85 years. (Lucian, de Macrob.22, where he is erroneously called ὁΣύριοςinstead of ὁΛέριος.)


    Works known from Suidas

    Suidas ascribes several works to the Athe
  • pherecydes biography