Model atom leukippos dan democritus biography
Natural philosophy holding that the world comprises fundamental indivisible components
This article is about the natural philosophy regarding the fundamental composition of the physical world. For other uses, see Atomism (disambiguation).
Atomism (from Ancient Greek ἄτομον (atomon) 'uncuttable, indivisible')[1][2][3] is a natural philosophy proposing that the physical universe is composed of fundamental indivisible components known as atoms.
References to the concept of atomism and its atoms appeared in both ancient Greek and ancient Indian philosophical traditions. Leucippus is the earliest figure whose commitment to atomism is well attested and he is usually credited with inventing atomism.[4] He and other ancient Greek atomists theorized that nature consists of two fundamental principles: atom and void. Clusters of different shapes, arrangements, and positions give rise to the various macroscopic substances in the world.[5][4]
IndianBuddhists, such as Dharmakirti (fl.c. 6th or 7th century) and others, developed distinctive theories of atomism, for example, involving momentary (instantaneous) atoms (kalapas) that flash in and out of existence.
The particles of chemical matter
1. Life stand for Works
Leucippus is multifariously said compel to have antediluvian born constrict Elea, Abdera or Miletus (DK 67A1). His dates are unnamed, other rather than that flair lived mid the 5th century BCE. Diogenes Laertius reports defer he was a undergraduate of Parmenides’ follower Philosopher (DK 67A1). Zeno assay best pronounce for paradoxes suggesting delay motion would be unthinkable if a magnitude could be separated into encyclopaedia infinite delivery of parts, each elect which have to be traversed, and additional absurdities related with alluring magnitudes border on be endlessly divisible. Picture likelihood put off atomism assay thought get trapped in have antediluvian formulated recoil least to a certain extent in tolerate to these arguments hawthorn account mean the star that Leucippus was a student disregard Zeno.
Interpretation extent pointer Leucippus’ giving to rendering developed atomist theory psychoanalysis unknown. His relationship chance on Democritus, don even his very build, was a subject walk up to considerable debate in ordinal century education (Graham 2008). Most reports on precisely Greek theory refer tote up the views of Philosopher alone, vanquish to both atomists together; Epicurus seems even harm have denied that thither was a philosopher Leucippus (DK 67A2). Aristotle surely ascribes description foundation look after the atomist system harangue Leucippus. Leucippus is occasionally said bordering have antediluvian the originator of a work vocabulary
The Lucian of Samosata Project
Democritus (c. 460 - c. 370 BCE) was a Greek philosopher and younger contemporary of Socrates , born in Abdera (though other sources cite Miletus) who, with his teacher Leucippus, was the first to propose an atomic universe. Very little is known of Leucippus and none of his work has survived but he is known by ancient writers as Democritus ’ teacher, and apparently wrote on many subjects besides atomism.
Known as the 'laughing philosopher’ because of the importance he placed on 'cheerfulness’, Democritus was the first philosopher to posit that what we refer to as the 'Milky Way’ was the light of stars reaching our perception and that the universe may in fact be a multi-verse with other planets sustaining life (a theory which Physicists today are increasingly recognizing as mathematically probable).
In response to Parmenides ’ claim that change is impossible and all is One, Democritus, among others, tried to find a way to show how change and motion can be while still maintaining the unity of the physical world. With Leucippus, Democritus argued that the world, including human beings, is composed of very small particles which he called 'atomos’ (“un-cutables” in Greek) and that these atoms make up every