Mla style bibliography machines

  • Mla format example
  • Mla format
  • Mla in-text citation
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  • mla style bibliography machines
  • Use this template to cite an entire book or part of a book or encyclopedia, such as an article, chapter, essay, play, poem, or short story. Also use it to cite gray literature such as a report, brochure, pamphlet, map, dissertation, or thesis. This applies to all formats: print, audio, online, or e-book.


    Book, 2 authors, viewed in a library database

    Harris, Duchess, and A. R. Carser. Dennis Banks and Russell Means: Native American Activists. Core Library, Gale eBooks, ?&sid=bookmark-GVRL&xid=c

    Graphic novel, 2 authors, 1 illustrator, e-book

    Lewis, John, and Andrew Aydin. March: Book Three. Illustrated by Nate Powell, e-book ed., Top Shelf Productions,

    Poem in a book, 1 poem author, 1 poem translator, 1 book editor, page number

    Medina, Pablo. "The Secret." Translated by Lyda Aponte de Zacklin. Cool Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Growing Up Latino in the United States, edited by Lori M. Carlson, Holt, , p.

    Encyclopedia article, no author, 3 editors, from a multi-volume set, edition

    "Hypochondria." The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology, edited by Jacqueline L. Longe et al., 4th ed., vol. 1, Gale, , pp. Gale Health and Wellness, ?&sid=bookmark-HWRC&xid=5a

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