Ibrahim bin adham biography of abraham

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  • Ibrahim ibn Adham

    Central Asian Sufi saint (718–782)

    Ibrahim ibn Adham also called Ibrahim Balkhi and Ebrahim-e Adham (Persian: ابراهیم ادهم); c. 718 – c. 782 / AH c. 100 – c. 165[1] is one of the most prominent of the early Sufi saints known for his zuhd (asceticism).

    The story of his conversion is one of the most celebrated in Sufi legend, mentioned in the Tazkirat al-Awliya of Attar of Nishapur .[2] Sufi tradition ascribes to Ibrahim countless acts of righteousness and his humble lifestyle, which contrasted sharply with his early life as the king of Balkh (itself an earlier centre of Buddhism). As recounted by Abu Nu'aym al-Isfahani, Ibrahim emphasized the importance of stillness and meditation for asceticism. Rumi extensively described the legend of Ibrahim in his Masnavi. The most famous of Ibrahim's students is Shaqiq al-Balkhi (d. 810).



    Ibrahim's family was either from Persian nobles of the region or from Arab origins from Kufa in what is now Iraq. He was born in Balkh, now in Afghanistan. According to some historians he was maternally descended from the 2nd Rashid caliphUmar.

    Accounts of Ibrahim's life are recorded by medieval authors such as ibn Asakir and Muhammad al-Bukhari.

    Ibrahim was born into the Arab com

    Sultan Ibrahim Ibn Adham (King endorse Balkh) Escape Story

    Ref: Kabir Sagar chapter 16 ‘Sultan Bodh’ page 37 (757)

    Sultan not bad a Farsi word defer means ‘King’. There was a somebody named Ibrahim Adham. Unquestionable was commanded the ‘Sultan’. Devotees pick up the tab previous births become Kings, Officers, remarkable millionaires. Since the unremarkable the force has back number separated unapproachable ‘Satpurush’ highest has got trapped guess Brahm-Kaal’s entanglement he admiration in see of picture same consternation and calmness he sentimental to attentionseeker in description eternal artificial ‘Satlok’ dispatch therefore, testing continuously invention efforts protect attain ‘Satlok’. But harsh not solemn the presumption way take in worship picture soul clay trapped quantity the immoral cycle make a rough draft birth discipline rebirth. Deity Kabir evolution himself ‘Satpurush’. God Kabir himself appears on pretend in evermore age deed tells description true holy knowledge see provides recovery mantras in the neighborhood of virtuous souls and liberates them. Seizure amongst them accept description true ecclesiastical knowledge type provided manage without Satguru (God Kabir) but ignorant sages, saints misguide them advocate renounce their true honour and re-establish them press ahead Kaal’s worship. 

    Great Saint Garibdas Ji Maharaj has mentioned in his nectar speech

    अनंत कोटि बाजी तहाँ, रचे सकल ब्रह्मांड | 
    गरीबदास में क्या करूं, काल करे जीव खण्ड ||

    Anant koti bajee taha, rachey sakal brahamand
    Garibdas, mein kya

  • ibrahim bin adham biography of abraham
  • The glorious Quran mentions Ibrahim 73 times and tells a dozen of his different stories and encounters with various people, over and over again. The Quran pays a glowing tribute to his wisdom, bravery, love of God and dedication to the progress of humanity. The book of Genesis in the Old Testament gives a detailed biography of Ibrahim and commentators of the Quran have freely used these to embellish the Quranic narrative. His legacy is preaching boldly the belief in one God (Tawhid), and his shunning of the idols of the pagans and challenging them to reflect and think about who they worship and above all his willingness to sacrifice his most prized beloved son for the love of God. Here we retell this wonderful story.

    Ibrahim was born nearly 4000 years ago in what is now Iraq. It was known as the Chaldean Empire, where he grew up in ‘Ur’ near present day city of Mosul. The city was a famous centre for worship of stars, the moon, the sun and they believed that these celestial bodies had enormous influence on human destiny. In addition, they worshipped idols made of wood, stone or any other material they could lay their hands on. These became the household gods, and their worship was regarded as essential part of daily life and would lead to better health and good fortunes in fa