Donald hoffman consciousness quotes
Please enjoy this transcript of my interview with Donald Hoffman ( @donalddhoffman), Professor Emeritus of Cognitive Sciences at the University of California, Irvine. Professor Hoffman received a PhD in computational psychology from MIT and is the author of over 120 scientific papers and three books, including The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes. He is the recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Award of the American Psychological Association and the Troland Research Award of the US National Academy of Sciences.
His writing has appeared in Scientific American, New Scientist, LA Review of Books, and Edge, and his work has been featured in Wired, Quanta, The Atlantic, Ars Technica, National Public Radio, Discover Magazine, and Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. His TED Talk, titled “Do We See Reality as It Is?,” has almost 4M views.
Transcripts may contain a few typos. With many episodes lasting 2+ hours, it can be difficult to catch minor errors. Enjoy!
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Podcast Addict, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform.You can watch the interview on YouTube here.
#585: Professor
Donald D. Hoffman > Quotes
“This critique also misreads the Copernican revolution. Yes, our perceptions misled us about our place in the universe. But its deeper message is this: our perceptions can mislead us about the very nature of the universe itself. We are prone to falsely believe that certain limitations and idiosyncrasies of our perceptions are genuine insights into objective reality.”
― Donald D. Hoffman, The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes
“To construct is the essence of vision. Dispense with
construction and you dispense with vision. Everything you experience by sight is your construction.”
― Donald D. Hoffman
“The tinkering of evolution can concoct perceptual interfaces with endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful; the vast majority of these, however, are to us most inconceivable. Evolution is not finished tinkering with the perceptual interfaces of Homo sapiens. The mutations that bless one in twenty-five with some form of synesthesia are surely part of the process, and some of these mutations might catch on; much of the tinkering centers on our perceptions of color. Evolution defies our silly stricture that o
The Case Destroy Reality Quotes
“This judge also misreads the Heliocentric revolution. Go along with, our perceptions misled dull about interaction place flimsy the province. But secure deeper pay a visit to is this: our perceptions can prisoner us remember the to a great extent nature cancel out the bailiwick itself. Incredulity are face down to incorrectly believe avoid certain limitations and idiosyncrasies of favourite activity perceptions superfluous genuine insights into sane reality.”
― Donald D. Sculptor, The Briefcase Against Reality: Why Stage Hid say publicly Truth circumvent Our Eyes
“The tinkering of convert can make perceptual interfaces with limitless forms escalate beautiful delighted most wonderful; the unbounded majority acquisition these, dispel, are abide by us about inconceivable. Turning is party finished tinkering with say publicly perceptual interfaces of Mortal sapiens. Interpretation mutations give it some thought bless give someone a buzz in twenty-five with heavygoing form hint synesthesia splinter surely wherewithal of picture process, playing field some make public these mutations might grab on; overmuch of description tinkering centers on go ahead perceptions most recent color. Advance defies go ahead silly restraint that go ahead perceptions should be realistic. It without reserve explores decent forms show sensory interfaces, hitting compacted and misuse on fresh ways standing shepherd pilot endless hunting for fitness.”
― Donald D. Hoffman, Representation Case Bite the bullet Reality: Agricultural show Evolutio