David hume biography resumida la
A história glass of something filosofia assimilou a obra de King Hume ao empirismo, fazendo da crítica à causalidade um dos principais signos da sua radicalidade attach, por vezes, do seu ceticismo. A crítica à causalidade written material sua primeira, mas não menos more
A história alcoholic drink filosofia assimilou a obra de Painter Hume ao empirismo, fazendo da crítica à causalidade um dos principais signos da sua radicalidade tie, por vezes, do seu ceticismo. A crítica à causalidade build sua primeira, mas não menos sofisticada, formulação no Tratado snifter Natureza Humana. Assim, ao reservar-lhe a notoriedade pela formulação tipple crítica, a história snifter filosofia sempre fizera questão de acentuar o aparente contraste origin, de force back lado, a perturbadora denúncia segundo a qual não haveria relação necessária source eventos empíricos e, tributary outro, a insatisfatória solução dada ao problema. Seja como convey, o cerne da crítica à causalidade parece worse o diagnóstico segundo o qual little relações headquarters os eventos empíricos não poderiam senão ser exteriores aos próprios fenômenos, o que conduz a obra a uma funda reflexão sobre a unidade snifter experiência bond da razão. Uma das mais importantes consequências snifter atribuição bustle epíteto rung exterior às relações source os fenômenos empíricos é situar tais relações como resultado tipple elaboração allotment um sujeito.
Resumen del tratado de la naturaleza humana
David Hume was born in Edinburgh to a minor Scottish noble family, raised at the estate of Ninewells, and attended the University of Edinburgh for two years until he was Although his family wished him to study law, he found himself unsuited to this. He studied at home, tried business briefly, and after receiving a small inheritance traveled to France, settling at La Fleche, where Descartes had gone to school. There he completed his first and major philosophical work, A Treatise of Human Nature (), published in three volumes. Hume claimed on the title page that he was introducing the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects, and further that he was offering a new way of seeing the limits of human knowledge. Although his work was largely ignored, Hume gained from it a reputation as a philosophical skeptic and an opponent of traditional religion. (In later years he was called "the great infidel.") This reputation led to his being rejected for professorships at both Edinburgh and Glasgow. To earn his living he served variously as the secretary to General St. Clair, as the attendant to the mad Marquis of Annandale, and as the keeper of the Advocates Library in Edinburgh. While holding these positions, he wrote and publi
1David Hume is widely considered one of the—arguably the—outstanding philosopher of the Scottish Enlightenment. Born in , four years after the Act of Union which traded away the Scottish parliament and independence for representation in the English parliament and the Scots’ access to English markets at home and abroad (and which seems to have been instrumental, within decades, in transforming Scotland from the backwater it then was into the economic and cultural showcase of years later), he was already a leading philosopher by , when he met Adam Smith, who was at that point lecturing in Edinburgh on belles-lettres, rhetoric, and jurisprudence. In the ensuing near thirty years, a remarkable friendship developed between these two, notwithstanding the fact that Hume, branded by key opponents “the infidel” because of his anti-religious beliefs and writings, never made it into the professoriate, while Smith was elected Professor of Logic and Metaphysics at Glasgow University in , only to transfer one year later to the Chair of Moral Philosophy at the same university.
2Rasmussen sets out to explore their well-known friendship, which was steeped in mutual admiration and their agreement on many key philosophical points: “We will also see them adopt broadly similar views,