Autobiography of a yogi movie soundtrack

  • Selections from the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack of the award-winning documentary AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda are featured on this new music CD.
  • Includes download in mp3, FLAC and more.
  • DECEMBER 1975 (49 YEARS AGO) Gary Wright: "Dream Weaver" b/w "Let It Out" (Warner Bros.
    • Streaming + Download

      Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.

      Purchasable with gift card

      Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.




    Alter of Omnipresence 01:49


    Autobiography of a Yogi 03:56


    dedicated to the original Burnside family 🤜🔥🤛 Starting adultlife at the precious age of 13 abandon by the only security comfort bloodstream no longer pumping through this expanded heart without hope or resources the pilot light goes dark no child should have to experience that fucked up part of the painedbody life at such an early start but it’s better than the bark of stepfather monstershark who physically tries to tear us apart on the daily!! It was a dart to my heart when mom put her arms around him and said son it’s time for YOU to depart kicked to the curb by this false patriarch this work of art has to now disembark with no lion heart spare parts A new chapter starts "a penniless boy" who sleeps in the dark at the amusement park of Burnside skatepark Every day wondering & searching for inner salvation by consuming poisonous firewater medications but the selfhate is ever squeezin my life In the direction of mos

    The Film

    Compelling…enough to make a modern soul look inwards.

    The New York Times

    The Trailer

    About the Film

    "Using a seamless mix of re-creations and fascinating true footage, this very even-tempered documentary takes its audience all the way through a saint's life, from his first sensations in the womb to that moment in 1952 when, having recited a poem to a large crowd at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, he exited his body just like that....In between those events he changed the Western world." – From the Maui Film Festival website

    AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda is an unconventional biography about the Hindu Swami who brought yoga and meditation to the West in the 1920s. Paramahansa Yogananda authored the spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi, which has sold millions of copies worldwide and is a go-to book for seekers, philosophers and yoga enthusiasts today. (Apparently, it was the only book that Steve Jobs had on his iPad.) By personalizing his own quest for enlightenment and sharing his struggles along the path, Yogananda made ancient Vedic teachings accessible to a modern audience, attracting many followers and inspirin

  • autobiography of a yogi movie soundtrack