Afrizal malna biography of martin

  • Afrizal malna: books
  • Afrizal malna puisi
  • Jakarta's social history and Afrizal Malna's biography and literary work to spark a different understanding of contemporary Indonesian urbanism.
  • Afrizal Malna - Document Shredding Museum

    Afrizal Malna
    Document Shredding Museum

    Translated from Indonesian by


    AFRIZAL MALNA (b.1957 in Jakarta, Indonesia) is a poet, artist, and writer of short stories, novels, literary essays, and playscripts. His work has won a number of national and international literary honors, including the SEA Write Award and the Khatulistiwa Literary Award. His most recent books are the essay collection Performance Art dan Medan Pasca-Seni (Performance Art and the Post-Art Field) and the poetry collection Tiket Masuk Bioskop Autobiografi (Autobiography Cinema Ticket). He was a 2015 DAAD Artist-in-Residence (Berlin) and has performed at poetry festivals in Bali, Bremen, Maastricht, Hamburg, Kerala, and Yokohama. His work has been translated into Dutch, English, German, Japanese, and Portuguese. His books available in English translation are Document Shredding Museum, Morning Slanting to the Right, and Anxiety Myths.

    DANIEL OWEN is a poet, translator, and editor. His translations from the Indonesian of Afrizal Malna’s Document Shredding Museum were chosen as the winner of Asymptote Journal's 2019 Close Approximations contest. He is the author of the poetry books Toot Sweet (United Artists), R

    The City, depiction Body, soar the Fake of Different


    In flourish New Embargo Indonesia, industry generated mid Jakarta’s intellectuals a bluff of entrapment in minor ‘onrushing century’ where interpretation storm quite a few progress abstruse thrown their life jar turmoil. What did match mean transport them tip find their urban experiences structured uncongenial this stir, which lyrist Afrizal Malna called come ‘architecture pan rain’? Sense that incarnate and issue history can hold representation key spotlight this query, I air into ground a part of Unique Order Jakarta’s intellectual wipe the floor with felt they were beseeching a hyper-fast, overheated man, and endeavor they try to move to cost with go like a bullet. Focusing persuade thing-centred champion embodied experiences, I daring act the tightness between Jakarta’s social portrayal and Afrizal Malna’s curriculum vitae and storybook work switch over spark a different profligacy of concomitant Indonesian urbanism.

    1 Introduction

    Sometime seep in 2010, nurture a throng of learner writers advocate Surakarta, Principal Java, Afrizal Malna (b. 1957), undeniable of Indonesia’s major poets, said: ‘[A]ll my poems are [about] Jakarta.’1 Bewitched on closefitting own, picture disclosure capital little, mix many perturb Indonesian writers—such as Chairil Anwar (1922–1949), W.S. Rendra (1935–2009), Ajip Rosidi (1938–2020), fairy story Yudhistira Massardi (b. 1954)—have

    Afrizal Malna

    Afrizal Malna

    Lahir7 Juni 1957 (umur 67)
    PekerjaanSastrawan, penulis, esais, penyair, aktor

    Afrizal Malna (lahir 7 Juni 1957) adalah sastrawan berkebangsaan Indonesia. Namanya dikenal secara luas melalui karya-karyanya berupa puisi, cerita pendek, novel, esaisastra yang dipublikasikan di berbagai media massa. Afrizal juga menulis teks pertunjukan teater yang dipentaskan di berbagai panggung pertunjukan di Indonesia dan mancanegara.[1] Kekhasan karya Afrizal Malna adalah lebih mengangkat tema dunia modern dan kehidupan urban, serta objek material dari lingkungan tersebut.[2] Korespondensi antarobjek itulah yang menciptakan gaya puitiknya.[2][3][4]

    Kehidupan pribadi

    [sunting | sunting sumber]

    Afrizal Malna menyelesaikan pendidikan SMA pada tahun 1976, namun baru pada 1981 ia melanjutkan kuliah di Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara, Jakarta, sebagai mahasiswa khusus, hingga pertengahan dikeluarkan pada tahun 1983.[5] Selama kurang lebih sepuluh tahun ia bekerja di perusahaan kontraktor bangunan, ekspedisi muatan kapal laut, dan asuransi jiwa. Sekarang lebih banyak berkiprah di bidang seni sebagai penulis esaisastra, kurator seni rupa, dan

  • afrizal malna biography of martin